IC Church Glenorchy Tasmania


We are a Christ centred, Glenorchy focussed, Christian community.

 Mission: we exist to …Share Christ’s love and promises with others, make disciples and grow in our own faith and knowledge of God

Vision: we dream of a strong, healthy, growing Christian community making a real difference in the lives of people living in the Glenorchy region


  • We value grace: by dependence on God, forgiving others, living a life of repentance and seeking justice
  • We value people: by recognising that all individuals have been created in the image of God
  • We value life: by celebrating God and his abundant gifts, being generous and sharing the good news with others
  • We value growth: by encouraging each other to deeper spirituality and wider influence
1. Build a healthy local church that is highly accepting of people from diverse backgrounds (cultural or socio-economic)
2. Support activities in the Glenorchy area that seek to help vulnerable persons
3. Support activities that help build community, especially strong relationships between Glenorchy churches
4. Support the Mission of Christ in the world at large